Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mungo National Park


          Lake Mungo is one of the seventeen lakes within the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area located in Mungo National Park in Australia. It is located 987 km west of Sydney.       
Scientists have carbon dated Aboriginal occupation in the area to about 40,000 years.
It was once a thriving area with a large lake feeding many local people.
The demise of Lake Mungo started with the coming of the last great ice age. The lake dried up during the ice age and never recovered.
          The Mungo Wool Shed was constructed in about 1869 of locally harvested cypress pine using a drop-log construction.

Mungo National Park was gazetted on the 21 March 1979 after it was acquired in 1978.


Walls of China

Walls of China

Old fence from the areas farming days

Sheep Management Area

Mungo Woolshed

Old fence from the areas farming days

Mungo Woolshed

Lake Mungo

Local Aboriginal Guide

Walls of China

Walls of China

Sand Dunes looking to Lake Mungo

Mungo Woolshed

Saturday, February 1, 2014


The challenge for January is "Sydney".

"2050"  Jacob

"Darling Harbour"  Linda

"Happy new year Sydney"  RachAmigo

"See you later Sydney"  David

"Street Art Enmore"  RobRoar

"Sydney Icon"  Sharry

Winner  "Sydney's Cultural Beacon-1"  Chuck

"Sydney--You Were Warned"  wombatwal

"The Sydney Rainbow up close"  Stuart