Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Photo Challenge--Black and White

This is the inaugural photo challenge for the Great SouthLand Photography Blog.
The images are all Black and White.
The image must have been taken in the month of August 2012.
The entrants will vote on the image that they feel is the best.
The winner receives 2 points and if there is any draws they will receive 1 point each.
Once the contestants have given me their images I will put them on the blog and the voting will be done by email.
Entries are to be in by midnight Friday 31st August.
Images will go on the blog on Saturday 1st September. Once voting has finished, hopefully fairly quickly, the winner will select the theme for the next challenge and the rules to the challenge.
I am hoping for one challenge per month.
I am sure changes will be made to the format of the challenges as time goes on.
The photos are in.
They are below.
Smiley Face

Under The Roof



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The vote is in.
    My take on each image.
    David's-- "Smiley Face". I thought was very creative, but I found the wheel thingy on top was too distracting. Probably would have been my choice except for the wheel.

    RachAmigo's-- "Final3". Was my choice because of it's simplicity, creativity and the birds in the sky.

    RobRoar's-- "Under The Roof". Had very good tonal range, but I thought it was too busy with no set subject.

    So the result is.
    Smiley Face 0 votes.
    Final3 1 vote
    Under The roof 1 vote
    PianoMan 2 votes.
    So the winner is wombatwal with PianoMan.

  3. There has been a protest on the voting.
    RobRoar did not vote properly because he cannot read or follow directions. So he has changed his vote to Smiley Face.
    So it is one vote each, a four way tie.
    It is correct he did not say PianoMan but voted for Robot Man. So only fair enough, I will accept that.
