"Dear Face" Sharry |
Joint Winner "Face Lift From Hell" RachAmigo |
"Faces in Time" Linda |
"Innocent eyes" Chuck |
Joint Winner "Lost in the Faces" wombatwal |
"Seoul Man" David |
"Frozen in Time" Sara |
"Hairy Face" Jacob |
My name is Bruce Wallace and this is a blog for all things photographic.
"Dear Face" Sharry |
Joint Winner "Face Lift From Hell" RachAmigo |
"Faces in Time" Linda |
"Innocent eyes" Chuck |
Joint Winner "Lost in the Faces" wombatwal |
"Seoul Man" David |
"Frozen in Time" Sara |
"Hairy Face" Jacob |
Chuck Tied Winner "Blueprint for a World Icon" |
RobRoar "Collage of Icons" |
Linda "National Icons Sydney Harbour Bridge and Luna Park" |
wombatwal "National Sporting Icon Bradman at Bradman Oval" |
RachAmigo Tied Winner "The City of Gondolas" |
Sara "The House" |
David "The Wheels on the Bus go round and round" |
Sharry "Aussie Stone Icon" |
"No! Something New" RobRoar |
"Old birds post, new power!" Stuart |
"Old image, new twist" Jacob |
"Old Sydney, New Sydney" wombatwal |
"Something old something new" Linda |
"The cycle of life" Sharry |
Winner "Time Warp" Chuck |
"Fly me to the moon" David |
RachAmigo August joint winner |
wombatwal August joint winner |
David August joint winner |
RobRoar August joint winner |