Sunday, December 1, 2013


The challenge for November is "Faces".

"Dear Face"  Sharry

Joint Winner  "Face Lift From Hell"  RachAmigo

"Faces in Time"  Linda

"Innocent eyes"  Chuck

Joint Winner "Lost in the Faces"  wombatwal

"Seoul Man"  David

"Frozen in Time"  Sara

"Hairy Face"  Jacob

Friday, November 1, 2013

A National Icon

The challenge for October is "A National Icon".
Chuck Tied Winner    "Blueprint for a World Icon"

RobRoar  "Collage of Icons"

Linda  "National Icons Sydney Harbour Bridge and Luna Park"

wombatwal  "National Sporting Icon Bradman at Bradman Oval"

RachAmigo Tied Winner   "The City of Gondolas"

Sara  "The House"

David  "The Wheels on the Bus go round and round"

Sharry  "Aussie Stone Icon"

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Photo Challenge---Something Old, Something New

The challenge for September is "Something Old, Something New".

"No! Something New"  RobRoar

"Old birds post, new power!"  Stuart

"Old image, new twist"  Jacob

"Old Sydney, New Sydney"  wombatwal

"Something old something new"  Linda

"The cycle of life"  Sharry

Winner "Time Warp"  Chuck

"Fly me to the moon"  David

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Photo Challenge---Entrance Door

The Photo Challenge for August has the theme of "Entrance Door".

Door to the Soul  Sharry

A Sweet Entrance  RachAmigo

Winner  Door to the Other Side  wombatwal

Enter at Own Peril! May the Force be with You  Stuart

Entrance to Another Realm  Sarah

Rustic Doors  Chuck

Welcome on Board my DC3  David



Sunday, August 4, 2013

Winner Photo Challenge for the year 2012-2013

The winner of the first year of the Great SouthLand Photography blog is RachAmigo.
Below is a recap of the monthly winners over the inaugural year.
First off is the August 2012 winner. This was a four way tie, a bit of a farce because of one of the members did not know what he was doing, names shall not be mentioned.
RachAmigo August joint winner
wombatwal August joint winner

David August joint winner

RobRoar August joint winner

RachAmigo Red Red Wine September

David Take your pic October winner

wombatwal Home At last November winner

RachAmigo Checkmate, world December winner

RobRoar Double Take January winner

David Young Love February winner

Sharry FireStorm March winner

RachAmigo Reflections upon a city April winner
David How times change May winner
Chuck Cartoon Ducks joint June winner

Sharry The Way We were joint June winner

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Photo Challenge---Man Made Structures

The Photo Challenge for July has the theme of "Man Made Structures".
The entries are now in, and ready for voting.
"Hornby" Jacob

"Made by Hand"  David

"MMS Framed( Man Made Structure Framed)"  RobRoar

"Modern Twist" Winner  Chuck

"Sunset of His Career" wombatwal

"Under Construction" RachAmigo